Sunday, July 12, 2009

I feel like I just walked into Rocky Horror world...

Because the last few weeks have been really, REALLY weird.

HOLY CRAP have they been weird.

Seriously. I hardly even remember most of it. Just that they were freaky. And I guess I'm starting to be comfortable with a few changes, finally. I guess. If you can call this feeling comfortable. Maybe I'm more accepting than comfortable. We'll see.

I just woke up. This has been my pattern for the last week: Wake up semi-late, check Facebook, Check E-mail, Check Blogger. Eat some sort of food, probably leftovers from my mother and I's dinner the night before (We've been eating out a LOT), Shower/Bathe, ponder, Wait for people to come over, hang out with said people for a couple of hours, and sleep.

Holy SHIT my life is somewhat...boring right now, isn't it? Let's just say I am SO ready for college to start.

I had a dream last night about this fall. For some reason, Jessica didn't come back from France until early September, and we were all so very happy she was back. She told me she had texted me while she was away, but I had never gotten back to her...(Which is funny because her phone is, I think, still at her house...). It was odd. I can't remember the rest of the dream, but for some reason I think there was a scooter involved.

As for my book, well...I used my writing mood all the way from chapter 7 to chapter 11. I'm okay with that. I know I'll write more soon, I just need to let everything that has already happened settle. It's sort of like digesting food: If I eat too much, I'll be sick or blow up, but if I eat a couple of meals in a day and then sleep it off, I can eat more the next day.

BY THE WAY, I just started a blog, a new one, so I can post chapters of my story. Check it out:

AND HAPPY LATE FOURTH EVERYONE. Too bad I was in SANDPOINT and we STILL werent allowed to use fireworks. What Bull.

The Picture to the right is the Tree of Life. Tattoo? Perhaps...

INDEED! Well, that's all for now, apparently. I'm going to go eat some breakfast, shower, and wait for a certain someone to come over :).


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