Friday, August 7, 2009

Insert Title Here

When I was in grade school, I had hardly any friends. When I say hardly any, I mean that I would have one or two at a time, knowing that they, too, eventually would realize what a loser I was (courtesy of the more popular children) and stop talking to me.

I guess that those experiences have caused me to go into a sort of lonely, depressed state from time to time when I hardly see any of my friends. I feel like I've been forgotten. Like despite what my friends and I have gone through, I am expendable. And though this feeling doesn't apply to all of my friends (My besties are the exception), I still feel a little less like a person and more like a memory to most people.

Maybe its just because its summer... But I can list ten people off of the top of my head that I haven't even spoken to this summer who, at the end of the school year, were still my good friends.

I guess I'm still feeling a little betrayed and bitter due to recent events anyways, and this whole detached from everybody feeling doesn't help. Maybe I'm just not meant to have a lot of friends. Maybe I should focus on the ones that acknowledge my existence from time to time.

ANYWAYS. Heres a few pictures of my summer...


Lotte, mein leib.

The post-graduation feast.

Lauren Jumped in with all of her clothes on...

1 comment:

  1. Lauren looks like a drowned rat...
    Everyone feels like this sometimes, baby. I know I do. I haven't spoken to a LOT of the people I was supposedly really close to at school.
    I love you. You're my favorite.
