Friday, September 4, 2009

Summer Shenanigans...

There are no words.



To describe the summer I've had.

If I was to pick the ultimate summer of my life thus far, that would be it.

Its been a while since I posted, so I'll run through what made it awesome.

On Jessica's Birthday, after a HARRY POTTER SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY coordinated by yours truly and Lauren, we traveled to the Kincaid's Condo in Sandpoint, Idaho.

We had a lazy day, then had a treasure hunt of sorts, provided by Jessica's parents, and ended the day on a SEA PLANE!


And THEN, the weekend before last, I travelled with Jess, Lauren and Janice to Seattle, where we stayed with Laur's cousin. Seattle in itself is awesome, indeed, but for this particular trip, there was a method to our madness. The night we arrived, we attended a Flaming Lips concert. It was amazing. One of the most amazing experiences of my life so far, actually. And, of course, that night was a party in itself.


The NEXT day, we went to Pike Place a few times, and ended the evening with a Daft Punk Laser Light show.


If you've ever seen a laser light show, particularly after partying for a couple of hours, I think you'll understand.


So, after returning to Spokane, the girls and I had a very relaxing week... up until Thursday, that is, when we left for another adventure! We drove to Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, arriving after dark. In the dark, with the clever use of headlamps and legs, we hiked a mile or two uphill to our first destination; Pyramid Lake. Deciding it was much too late to set up a tent, we rolled out our sleeping bags and fell asleep looking at the stars.....OF WHICH THERE WERE MORE THAN FIFTY!

(Pyramid Lake)

(Pyramid Lake from the top of the mountain)

The next day we packed up and hiked around the lake and over a mountain to reach Ball Lake. It was BEAUTIFUL. We spent two days there, eating reconstituted eggs and not showering. Yum.

(Ball Lake)

Finally, the last day of our trip, we hiked all the way from Ball Lake, past Pyramid lake and back to the car. Despite the long distance it was downhill almost all of the way, and we reached the car only a few hours after setting out.

And now that all of my summer adventures are over, everything feels... sort of melancholy. I'm just waiting for the next big adventure. :)


  1. mean...there are 50 stars??? Whoa,I had no idea! ;)
    Love you! Glad you had an awesome summer!

  2. It sounds like an amazing summer. What's next for you?

  3. Working until Winter quarter, then attending the falls for two years before I transfer.


    There certainly WERE more than fifty.

    Oh my Jesus... They were dripping...

    This summer has been incred. More than incred: fastast.

    More than fantast...


    Yep. Scrumtrulesc.

    Only I haven't seen Biil NEARLY enough.
    I love you. I'm coming over when you get your puppy.
