Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"La Vie" Blog?

This morning, after having a pretty excellent and relaxing but late night, I woke up calmly and quietly. After I spent a little time waking up, I made my way to the kitchen and cleaned up. As I did the dishes, I immediately felt at peace and alive. For the first time in a long time, I was happy to just…be. There is something extremely peaceful about an empty house in the morning.

After I finished the dishes, my good mood wasn’t spent. I put on a pot of coffee while I showered, then jumped out of the bathroom to Jessica being up and about.
Eventually, my mom came home and we all drank some coffee and sat in the newly cleaned kitchen. Jessica and I walked to Hi-Co, and then spent 20 minutes reading The Inlander in the shop over drinks and Almond-Poppy seed muffins.

Upon returning to my house, I called Lyndsey, who soon joined our party. I had the privilege to meet her adoptive mother before we sped off, as wild teenage girls are wont to do. We hung out while I cleaned the living room and discussed how our summers had gone thus far.

Our conversation took a turn for the better; we had all picked up on what this summer seemed to be about. Transformation. The three of us have felt like, and can see, how we need change in our lives, and that we are the only people that can control the change.

So, when Jessica goes to college, and Lyndsey goes to Virginia, the three of us plan to instigate a new change in our lives, be it the way we think, or speak, or live in general. Everyone needs some change, once in a while, but that’s not our entire plan. The three of us are going to document our change in the form of a giant scrapbook which encompasses all three of our transformations.

How will we pull it off? I have no idea. Will we pull through? I can only hope so.

I plan on changing almost everything, from the way I eat to my self esteem, as well as everything in between. What are my tools, you ask? No tools. No guides. No rules. Just a question:

Who do I want to be and how can I get there?

Now, I’m not saying I’m going to change who I am completely. But I do need to figure out how I can be myself healthily and happily, instead of this day-to-day battle that I’ve been living.

So here you are. The summer of transformation may be over, but I’m still in the cocoon.

Monday, August 10, 2009


I am not perfect, nor do I strive to be. I am alive in this world of face-first falls and public breakdowns.

I had a revelation last night... so today, I'm feeling very empowered and independent. And I'm pretty happy, too. Apart from being hungry, actually, I'm pretty much perfect.

I've been rebooting my iTunes all day, because for one reason or another most of my music stopped working, and it was just easier to delete it all and start over.

I have also come to the conclusion that most people don't even bother reading this. Not that I mind, because I don't really write about anything interesting, but to those who have stuck with me, thanks :). You probably know me better than I know myself.

If anyone has any music they think I should listen to, now is the time to say so.....


Friday, August 7, 2009

Insert Title Here

When I was in grade school, I had hardly any friends. When I say hardly any, I mean that I would have one or two at a time, knowing that they, too, eventually would realize what a loser I was (courtesy of the more popular children) and stop talking to me.

I guess that those experiences have caused me to go into a sort of lonely, depressed state from time to time when I hardly see any of my friends. I feel like I've been forgotten. Like despite what my friends and I have gone through, I am expendable. And though this feeling doesn't apply to all of my friends (My besties are the exception), I still feel a little less like a person and more like a memory to most people.

Maybe its just because its summer... But I can list ten people off of the top of my head that I haven't even spoken to this summer who, at the end of the school year, were still my good friends.

I guess I'm still feeling a little betrayed and bitter due to recent events anyways, and this whole detached from everybody feeling doesn't help. Maybe I'm just not meant to have a lot of friends. Maybe I should focus on the ones that acknowledge my existence from time to time.

ANYWAYS. Heres a few pictures of my summer...


Lotte, mein leib.

The post-graduation feast.

Lauren Jumped in with all of her clothes on...