Thursday, June 25, 2009


:D. I forgot I had a blog! That isn't really you're everyday, bland, pointless, made up excuse, is it? No, no, I didn't think so.
Not that anyone really reads my blog. I think I'll start telling people about it. Then maybe I'll write more.
So I'll start this entry, I suppose, by going over recent happenings in my life.

Since my last post, I:
-Lost my grandfather.

-Graduated from High School.
-Wrote 8 chapters of a novel that will most likely never even come within a one-mile radius of a publishing house.
-Cleaned (and then re-demolished) my room, several times.
-Lost my camera cord for two months, and then found it this afternoon.
-Began my own spiritual journey.

-To cross off of my 'To do before I die' list: Pet a wolf, Direct a play (two, actually!).
-Went to Prom

And all of this happened in the last five months. And now I've moved on from all of that. I'll be starting college in the fall, will live here with my mother for two more years, and eventually move to the coast, to my little piece of heaven.
I actually just came back from a trip to the ocean, and hadn't actually been to the water since I was a kid. There is something extremely....calming and cleansing about the ocean, something that I can't really find on land or near a lake.

While I was there, I collected about a dozen perfect shells.

Then something happened that nearly broke my heart: All of my shells went missing. The bag they were in vanished, and there wasn't a trace of where they could have gone. I was so upset I could hardly keep from crying, and that made me feel even more ridiculous. But I realized why I was so upset: Those shells were my little piece of the ocean, of peace, of feeling lighter and more whole than I have felt in months. And then it was just gone, almost like it was stolen from me. Its stupid, but its the only sense I can make of my reaction to losing a bag of virtually value-less material that I just picked up.
Also, graduating from high school has proven to be a pointless, cruel, revolting task that just proves how stupid the school system really is. I'm an 18 year old girl, a legal adult in the United States. In society's eyes, I'm at the age that I should be able to move out, get a job, stop being a burden on my parent and support myself.

And let me tell you, I can't support myself with the skills I learned in high school. I have enough life training to get a minimum wage job, which could NOT support me living away from home, unless I had two or three of these crappy minimum wage jobs, which wouldn't exactly allow me the time or energy to go to school to get the training I would need in order to find myself an ACTUAL job.

In high school, I did learn some very valuable and useful things. I learned to be offensive while walking down a crowded hallway of hormonal teenagers. I learned to lock my valuables in a safe place. I learned that foreign language is, in fact, foreign, and that you need to speak it pretty constantly to learn it well. Taco Bell is open late, and is necessary for survival. I learned that people are generally self-conscious more often than they are conscious of others, so it doesn't really matter to most of them if you look like you were just hit by a semi. Showering is probably a good idea. Friends are more important and less of a hassle than romance.

See? Probably a little more than that, but you get the general idea. All of the time spent learning things that I will never use again, all of the math and science, could have been used learning skills that I will actually need later, for whatever career I decide on. What a waste of time! Seriously!

There's my little spiel about high school. Ill never mention it again. :)
SO here is my second blog, and tomorrow Ill write something more entertaining and less pointless.


  1. Wow, this is very insightful Katie! I'm jealous that you and my cousin are so much more - aware of a lot of things than I was when I graduated high school. Keep blogging!

  2. I love the picture!!! Great shot :)
    Your high-school list, unfortunately, is quite true. Most high-schoolers these days just don't get it. I'm glad you're getting above all of it though. Anyone's better off being more mature than the stereotypical high-schooler.

  3. I'm moving to Europe before I have children. Germany's school system is just so much more....reasonable.
