Sunday, February 1, 2009

This is Blog number 1

My new years resolution: keep a weekly blog.

I think I've done very well, considering.
I mean, I've THOUGHT about finally posting each week.
Really, I have.

I'm really not sure what I want to use this for, anyways. I mean, I want to be consistent about something, because I'm not consistent about anything else. I need this to be my anchor. I think it could be interesting. For a while I had imagined being a writer. But I really think my future lies somewhere else.

Well, since this whole blog idea was born on New Years, maybe I'll start there. I missed out on writing my yearly blog on the first. I had even sat down with my laptop, ready to write. But nothing came out. I finally pushed it aside and said I would do it later, but I never came back to it, and I just realized why. I had nothing to say about last year. Its funny, but when a lot of things happen, traumatic or awesome, heartbreaking or heartwarming, sometimes there's just not much to say. I could write about everything that happened in 2008, but not only would that bore you, it would do nothing for me. I don't see the point. Re-living the past wouldn't help me grow; I've overcome those obstacles.

Still, I wonder what that means for me now. I've carried some things over the border with me from 2008. Does that mean that nothing significant enough for me to want now happened? Because I feel like that sometimes. Like I could have skipped last year. Like I could have started fresh with this one.

I don't know, maybe I just need to look at things from another perspective. But I barely see last year as a year from my life. Its like it happened, then someone took all of the pictures and photo shopped my face into them. I remember it, but not like I remember 6th grade, or sophomore year, or even my 8th grade social. I was there, but I wasn't really present for most of it.

So that's my plan I guess. Maybe I think by writing and documenting this year I can look at it later, and maybe I'll remember it from my own perspective, instead of a stranger's.